Deep Roots with Movement Media
This month, I’m excited to share Movement Media’s latest video produced to promote the Hemp Industries Association and Vote Hemp’s 9th annual Hemp History Week campaign. Deep Roots tells the story of the hemp field trials Rodale Institute is managing within a regenerative organic model in Pennsylvania.
Having worked with and helped to develop the Hemp History Week campaign since day one, I’m particularly inspired by Lauren Stansbury and Nancy Metcalf who have anchored and managed the campaign for the last few years. This unique campaign helped raise public awareness and build the momentum that changed policy around the country and brought hemp farming back to US soil. Although federal law still prohibits growing the crop, the Farm Bill allows it in states that permit cultivation for research and educational purposes. The Rodale Institute pilot program is one example. If you click one link in this newsletter, please watch the video in our In The Works section below.
Our In The News section features a sampling of press coverage that we generated for our amazing clients and partners in January and February. In On Our Minds, each of our team shares thoughts, concerns, inspirations, or something in between.
Lastly, our team will be Natural Products Expo West next week! Dr. Bronner’s press release for the show is available here. There’s a ton going on. If you are at the show, stop by Dr. Bronner’s booth to see the new limited edition “Heal Earth” label and check out one of the events promoting Regenerative Organic Certification.
Until next time, wishing you all the best on behalf of all of us at Movement Media!
Ryan Fletcher