Movement Media produces high-impact videos and movies to educate, inspire, and engage audiences on critical issues. We’ve filmed projects all over the world, including in small villages in Ghana, on coconut farms in Sri Lanka, at organic cotton fields in Nicaragua, and around the United States.

Dr. Bronner’s Heal Soul campaign highlights organizations doing amazing work to bring psychedelic-assisted therapies and plant medicines into the mainstream. The campaign features MAPS (Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies), the Oregon Psilocybin Therapy Measure (Yes on 109), Decrim Nature DC 2020 ballot measure, Indigenous Peyote Conservation Initiative, VETS: Veterans Exploring Treatment Solutions, Inc., and Heroic Hearts Project.

Produced by Movement Media and Steve Jeter for Dr. Bronner's


Movement Media represents leading natural product companies, progressive businesses, nonprofit organizations, and grassroots activists. We strive to be stewards of our clients’ stories and message while working to anchor their communications strategy and amplify their media presence with authenticity and integrity.