We are activists at heart and publicists by trade. Our mission is to create and anchor public relations and communications infrastructure and offer tools to support growth, strengthen dialogue, build movements, sustain momentum, amplify unheard voices, and influence social change.
Movement Media is a full-service public relations firm.
Movement Media is a different kind of public relations firm. We provide communications support to advance social justice and environmental sustainability.
We work with ethical businesses, nonprofit organizations, and grassroots activists. We strive to be stewards of our clients’ stories and message while working to anchor their communications strategy and amplify their media presence with authenticity and integrity.
Our work has helped build businesses and organizations, influence laws and policy, and advance fair trade, organic and sustainable agriculture, animal protection, the labeling of GMO foods, drug policy reform, and the movement to raise the minimum wage.

What We Do
We work with organizations and people whose purpose and work we admire and believe in, and who we know we have something to offer.
We offer a fresh, creative, and effective approach to generating media coverage and bringing issues to the forefront of public awareness. We take pride in getting our clients’ voices heard. We excel at generating media coverage of issues that matter. We book our clients on podcasts, television, and radio; generate news stories in leading news outlets; coordinate media coverage of large events, momentous campaigns, and breaking news stories. We facilitate documentaries and book projects and are experts in managing the day-to-day of public relations and communications work for both short-term results and long-haul impact.
What we do is unconventional, on purpose. Conventional PR is more about public deception than public relations. Too often, PR is about saying the right thing to clean up the mess from doing the wrong thing. Our approach to PR is oriented in mission-driven communications. It starts with representing partners who are doing the right thing—taking just and ethical action—and talking about that work honestly with humility and accountability.
See the services we offer.
How we are different
Our partners aren’t served by conventional approaches to public relations. We exist to serve partners who challenge the way things are and defy the way we are told things must be done. Our field is mission-driven communications or social change communications. Professionally, we were among the first practitioners of the work we do.
Since we began, firms like us have become more common. Along with our tenure in the field, what’s especially unique about our company is that collectively, and as individuals, we are rooted in and are shaped by the progressive subcultures and grassroots movements that popular movements and true social transformation emerges from, both historically and today. We have come together from a variety of movements and backgrounds. We are a unique team of activists who are also communications professionals. This is why we say ‘we are activists at heart, and publicists by trade’.
We know how to talk about change efforts authentically and with integrity. We work effectively in the activist sphere and the business sphere—and in the places where the two interconnect. Our deep and overlapping experience in both of these realms makes us unique.